Art of Living in association with Full House Entertainment conducted the YOGATHON 2015 – The Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) Marathon on the occasion of the first UN International Yoga Day on Sunday, June 21st. This is the first of the series of events that would henceforth be held annually. Yogathon was held by The Art of Living in all major cities in India and in many parts of the world including New York and London. The event attracted attention all over the world and was in the news across all major places.
This mega free Public Event in Chennai was choreographed by Rudresh Kumar, a dynamic Yoga trainer who holds the high distinction of having completed 12 Surya Namaskar rounds in just 36 seconds. He was featured on May 17th on India`s most popular TV show `India`s Got Talent`.
The Yogathon in Chennai was attended by close to 5000 people.
as with directors like Priyadarshan who have carved a niche in their eld.